Learn more about Adara

Beauty in Fashion, Nature in Style

Hi, my name is Claire and welcome to Adara, the ultimate destination for fashion-forward women and stylish kids. I am a busy Mom of two small kids and I wanted to create a concept store dedicated to offering a carefully curated selection of clothing, accessories, and lifestyle products that are as unique as you are.
The Name
I chose the name Adara because it resonated with my vision statement. In hebrew it means "Noble Beauty" and in Irish it means "from the ford at the oak tree" so it blended nicely with my vision statement of "Beauty in Fashion, Nature in Style". I believe every woman deserves to feel beautiful and fashion has a powerful impact on our emotions and self-perception. When we dress in a way that aligns with our personal style and makes us feel confident, fashion has the ability to make us feel truly beautiful.
The Vision
  1. Nature-Inspired Collections: Our collections are designed with a deep appreciation for nature's captivating beauty. Discover how fashion can be influenced by the colours, textures, and patterns found in the natural world. Experience the joy of bringing a touch of nature into your wardrobe for both yourself and your little one.

  2. Sustainable Fashion: We strongly believe in the importance of sustainable fashion. We feature eco-friendly brands and showcase how you can make conscious choices that positively impact both your style and the environment. Join us on the journey towards a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

  3. Style Tips and Advice: Need some guidance to elevate your style game? I am always here to help! From outfit pairing suggestions to tips on accessorizing, we provide valuable insights and practical advice to enhance your personal style.

Visit us today at City Square Shopping Centre, Waterford.